Florida Electricians

Florida Electrician1

Buy Workers Comp Insurance for Electricians in Florida

Whether you own your own electrician company, or you’re a contractor or a service provider, you should be fully aware of the requirements Florida has for workers compensation insurance. Electricians have several different considerations to keep in mind, and at ACI we’ll make sure you’re fully protected at all times.

Why Do You Need Workers Comp for Electricians?

First, you need to know that Florida separates the construction industry from nearly all others, and requires all construction businesses to carry workers compensation if they have one or more employee including the owner of the business.
For contractors, the requirements are different though. First, sub-contractors are required to show the contractors who hire them proof of their own workers compensation. And if they do not have workers compensation, they then become employees of the contractor itself in the eyes of the law in regards to workers comp claims.
Therefore, where you are in that spectrum of business owner, contractor, and sub-contractor all factors into your specific needs for Florida workers compensation for electricians.

Get Your Electrician Workers Compensation Insurance Quote Today

If the above sounds confusing, don’t worry, we’re here to help. Just give us a call at our office, 407.272.1976, and we’ll be happy to walk you through the process while providing a free, no-hassle quote.