There are many types of insurance coverage that you likely already realize you need for your adult day care facility. But did you know that workers compensation was one of them, too? Well it certainly is, but the good news is that here at ACI Insurance we can help you out and get you the coverage you need at the price you deserve. Adult Care Workers Compensation is a necessity, therefore give our experts a call for the right coverage.
Why Do You Need Workers Comp for Adult Day Care?
An adult day care setting may not seem like a high risk one for your employees. But all workplace environments have unique risk factors. For instance, in this type of setting it’s not unusual for a staff member to hurt him or herself in the effort of trying to prevent one of your patients from getting hurt, whether in a fall or another mishap. Your employees are likely also dividing their attention and time in many areas, and it’s easy for injuries to occur. Finally, keep in mind that all businesses with at least four employees are required to be covered by workers compensation insurance in Florida. That almost certainly includes your adult day care center. The last thing a business owner needs is to be caught with no or no enough coverage. Do not let this happen to you. There are hundreds of law firms in Florida that would love nothing better than to bring action against your business.
Get Your Workers Compensation Insurance Quote Today
Call ACI today at 407.889.2612 and we’ll be happy to provide you with a no-hassle and no obligation free quote. We look forward to hearing from you.